Monday, April 6, 2009


So last week I had a real breakdown after I saw the following picture:

I think it comes down to the fact that I'm so far away and would really like to be there as an emotional support. Or maybe I actually need to be there to be emotionally supported by the strength of my mom. Either way--there are no girls at home for my mom except for our moody cat Chloe. And to think of all the times I made fun of my thick, curly hair (that only old people compliment me on--hehe). On a side note, I am grateful for my brothers and dad because one good thing about boys is that they don't create or like drama. They aren't as emotional as girls.
They say things like "Mom your baldness makes you look like that cartoon character Aang from Avatar. Can I paint a blue arrow on your head to make you exactly alike?"

And as you mom said yes. And after she did it Tyler thought it was so cool he had to do it too!

Boys offer good support in other ways. Like my dad, for example, practically shaved his head. For those of you not from the East Coast, this is a big "no no" as an investment banker in New York City. Appearance in everything, and he was REALLY brave to do this.

Anyway--I just had to vent. Sighhhhhhhhhhhh...yeah.....much better now.
(p.s. just updated mom's blog

1 comment:

Heather and Spencer said...

I have to say...not many people can pull off the bald head, but your mom, dad and brother all do it amazingly well! I am sure you are a huge support to your mom whether or not you live near! She looks great!