Monday, July 20, 2009

My Trip Home

I finally got the pictures from when I went home a few months ago. It was SO FUN! I love playing games non-stop with the brothers and all the good food we make and talking with mom and laughing with dad. My gma Calvert flew out with me which made girl time even more fun (since we are highly out numbered). Here are some pics from the trip:

Mom and gma in front of one of the trees she MADE. This one is inside of a friend's house andwas made into a playground. I don't know how she did it!!
The boys had no idea I was even taking this picture. It must have been the Laker game because even grandma is getting into it. Mom is snitching a chip in the background...

Trav and his cute girlfriend Fran. And his buddy Nate and his date at prom.
Gma loves taking blurry pics! It's ok--this is another one of the trees my mom made for an elementary school.
GIRL TIME! While the boys were watching their game, we decided to watch a movie upstairs. Perfect scenario because my gma tickled my arm while my mom tickled my back!
Never enough food
Tyler with my favorite Mc Donalds shirt on (not!) Going on a hiking trip with dad.
Tyler and gma after his game. He made all-stars and even hit one out of the park.
He is a little man-child!
Here's us cheering for Tyler.
Tyler is one of the biggest kids on the team--actually--in the league.
Running the bases.

Here is gma with all the boys. They are all so big!

To see more pictures visit

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