Monday, November 16, 2009


I admit it. I am a double-beeper. When I get out of my car I automatically and subconsciously beep the car. Then when I’ve finally managed to put my phone in my purse, hang it over my shoulder, look both ways, and walk toward the store, I look back and beep again. Why do I double beep? I know the first one worked. Do I want to alert everyone that the car is locked? Do I want to check the range I can get using the beeper? Did I think I forgot? I never forget. I don’t know why I double beep—but can’t give it up. OCD?


Bogle Family said...

I love the "love timeline" so cute. And Yes Katie you are OCD!!I have double beaped so many times, that my beaper, beaps NO MORE :(!

Amber Goodman said...

I do the same thing with our automatic lock in our car! I push the button at least twice (and sometimes even a third). I bug myself when I do it but it's become a ritual, and so I must. I admit that I'm slightly OCD... I even get out of bed sometimes at 2am to make sure that the front door and windows are all locked.

Amber Goodman said...

Oh yeah, and because of you I now worry sometimes about somebody slashing my ankles from beneath my car!

Anonymous said...

I do it too! It annoys me that I do it, but I can't stop!

Jessica said...

Me....but I just have to make SURE I beeped it.

under construction said...

I used to do this too, until my little car unlocker battery died, so now I have to use the key and it drives me nuts!