Monday, April 26, 2010

Happy Anniversary

Happy 2 Year Anniversary Jimmy! 10 things I love about Jimmy you may not know about:

1- Did you know Jimmy LOVES baseball? We've played on co-ed teams since we've been married and he plays in all-men's leagues and tournaments. Wondering about the pants? He won't play with out 'em. Oh and his favorite team: The Yankees. C'mon--could it get any better marrying a girl from Yankee-ville?
2. I love that I have only cleaned the bathroom 3 times since we've been married. Wondering if we have a dirty bathroom? Nope! Jimmy cleans it (including mopping and scrubbing the tub and shower curtain) every week. Love him!

3. He loves to talk. In fact, one of our favorite things to do is grocery shop together and take long car rides because we both love to talk and laugh and share stories.

4. You may not know this but Jimmy was invited to "go pro" in wakeboarding before his mission. So glad he chose the mission instead. He can do the most amazing tricks and is a very good teacher.
5. I love that he'll do things that I like to do even though he doesn't like it. Like dancing. We went salsa dancing every week for the first 10 months of our marriage. Here us at our DR reception.

6. Jimmy loves to cook! Especially BBQ. Any BBQ skills I have I've learned from him. He also doesn't like to cook simple dishes that involve simple clean-up.

7. He loves to workout (I chose this picture because you could see his muscles.) Going to the gym for Jimmy is like reading a book for me. It's his escape. When I'm there--I'm counting down the minutes until I've reached an hour. I'm grateful that he gets me there 4-5x a week! Something you may not know: random people on the street or at the gym will come up to him and ask him how he got his calves so toned. Answer? Genetics. (Also--this is the classic Jimmy squint. He has SUPER sensitive eyes).

8. Jimmy loves Chemistry. You may be wondering why I'd find that so attractive--but I guess it's nice to know he actually has some passion for the stuff he is studying. He loves anatomy, biology, accounting, economics, and just learning in general. In fact--Jimmy is a fact lover. If you ask him anything about US history, science, church history, etc--he'll give you names, dates, and more info than you wanted to know. It's great having a smarty pants husband! He even remembers all the dates of the first time we met, first kiss, first date, first I love you, engagement, etc.

9. One of our common loves is the water. Here he is the night that Daniel proposed. While I was setting everything up, he was out boarding.

10. Lastly--He loves animals, kids, my family, going on date-night, traveling with me, the outdoors, our adventures, my friends, California, cuddling, socializing, playing games, our Dominicans, and serves me every day. Love you babe!


Emma said...

You guys are the cutest couple! Happy anniversary!

Amber Goodman said...

I didn't know how Jimmy was such a pro at wake boarding!

So glad to call you guys our friends, you are both so fun. Happy 2nd Anniversary!

Eric & Gretchen said...

What a great list! Congrats!

lesley said...

#2 - What the what?!?! That is pure awesomeness. Pure awesomeness. Sure sounds like you two are a great match.

Heather and Spencer said...

Happy Anniversary!!!

I think we got our ice cream maker as a wedding gift...but I am pretty cure it came from Bed Bath and Beyond. It is a wonderful thing to have! Plus it helps my diet!!!

Emily said...

This is adorable!

Karen R said...

John gets the same question about his calves! Genetics is right!