Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Good Citizens

I'm giving my husband the "good citizen award" due to something that happened last Saturday. We were following behind a car and all of a sudden the man started hitting the person in the front seat (really hard--with lots of anger).

We called 9-1-1 and here is the response:

911: I'm sorry--all circuits are busy. Please try again later.

Ugh. I kinda lost interest and just said "well that's a bummer!" but at the urgency of my great husband, we kept dialing.

We followed the car and finally got ahold of 911. We gave them all the information and noticed that there were 2 little kids in the back seat. SAD! So to my sweetie Jimmy (who never reads this blog)--you get the concerned citizen award.

Anyway--this is the second time we've called the cops on people breaking the law here in Sacramento (and both occurred on the same street within blocks of each other). We'll keep our eyes open...

1 comment:

elliebelle said...

How can all the 911 circuits possibly be busy?? Isn't that illegal or something??