Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My First 5K

If you know me, you know that I hate to run. I like to exercise and play sports such as volleyball, softball, water sports, etc. that involve quick sprints or no running at all.

Well--we decided to do our first 5K for Breast Cancer (a close to home cause). I have never run 3.2 miles at one time in my whole life so my goal was to:
a: run the whole time
b: run it in under 32 minutes.

Jimmy's goals were the same except he wanted to run it in under 30 minutes. Here are the before pictures:

the sun is in my eyes!

Friend Janelle, Jimmy, Me, sis. in law Karen

There was a huge turnout of 20,000 people that attended and we ended up meeting our goals! I ran it in 28 minutes flat and Jimmy did it in 26 minutes!

Here is the after picture of us in our apartment parking lot. Karen, Jimmy and I.

p.s. I just updated my mom's blog with a funny video about her...check it out www.rubbingrock.blogspot.com


elliebelle said...

hahaha, I hate running too but I want to run a marathon with my dad someday . . . . ironic

Jessica said...

I totally did the 5k Race 4 the Cure in Vegas last month! We're race twins!

Paige said...

Way to go, Katie! I'm totally impressed!