Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

One of my New Year's Resolutions is to read a GOOD book every week this year. BUT, I need some suggestions. PLEASE HELP. I'm talking your best and most favorite books you've ever read! Here are some examples of what I like:

- Church historical fiction (Work & the Glory, Children of the Promise, Rebekah)
- Love triangles/conflicts (Twilight, Dear John, The Notebook, etc.)
- Suspense novels (but nothing too gory) -- (James Patterson Books, Mary Higgings Clark)
- Historical Fiction (Kite Runner, A Thousand Splendid Suns)
- Anything that you found to be good.

Thanks for the tips. Hopefully I can find 52 GOOD BOOKS to read this year!


Judy Andreason said...

Katie, The Undaunted by Gerald Lund is wonderful.

Natalie said...

A thousand splendid suns & the kite runner by Khaled Hosseini. The glass castle by Jeanette walls. My sister's keeper by Jodi Picoult. These were my summer favs!

Jessica said...

Anything by Jodi Picoult is AMAZING. I LOVE her stuff!

Kelli said...

I love the Lord of the Rings triology - but you have to read the hobbit, as well. If you haven't already.

I liked 18 minutes by Jodi Picoult - I was disappointed by My Sister's Keeper, it was really sad.

The Kite Runner is good, but it's really sad and graphic. I was depressed after reading it.

The Eragon series is good, as is the Harry Potter series; however, both are easy reads.

If you haven't read the Anne of Green Gables books, I would highly suggest them. Again, easy read. But they're cute!

I've heard the Lovely Bones is good - I haven't read it yet.

Pride and Prejudice - all women should read it, at some point in their lifetime. It's the ultimate chick flick (that doesn't include Vampires, etc).

All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque is a classic. As is Too Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee - I'm sure you've probably already read both. If you haven't, SHAME ON YOU!

I've read a few Stephen King books - not so impressed. They're just dark and demented.

Noah's Compass by Anne Tyler is next on my to-read list.

Just a few ideas.

Paige said...

You just listed all the ones I was going to suggest! But I DO have another book that is one of my ALL TIME favorites and you must read it: The Translator by Daoud Hari - it's a true story that takes place in Darfur. This book will make you a better person. :) Go read it today.

And one book a week? That's seriously ambitious. Way to be.

chris m. said...

WOW! Reading a book every week... FUN!
One of my favs is: They Cage the Animals at Night by Jennings Michael Burch.
LDS reads: Traitor and Tribunal by Sandra Grey. (Both books I did the cover design on, but the story is really good!!) Do No Harm by Gregg Luke.

How was your NEW YEARS... did you go to Disney Land?

Jessica said...

I didn't see any John Grisham listed in there and I always love a John Grisham book! The new ones aren't as good as the older ones, but there's plenty to choose from. The Testament, The Partner, and Street Lawyer are some of my favs. Good luck and post every book you read and your review so the rest of us can find some good ones too!

Karen R said...

We just read "Enders Game" by Orson Scott Card (same author as Rebekah, but totally different genre) for book club, and I loved it. I also just finished the "Guinea Pig Diaries" by AJ Jacobs. It was laugh out loud funny. I can lend you "Enders Game", the other I borrowed. Look them up.

Jen said...

Here are a couple of suggestions for you:

A Woman's Place by Lynn Austin
Walk Two Moons
Pride and Prejudice and/or Sense and Sensibility
Ellen liked The Uglies. There are 2 or 3 more books in that series. A funny quick read is Here Lies the Librarian. You also might try reading some of your old favorites in Spanish. Have fun!

Turners said...

1.Tuesday's with Morrie
2.The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society
3. A Thousand Splendid Suns
4. These is My Words
5. The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
6. Invictus
7. My Sister's Keeper
8. Jane Eyre
9. Rebecca
10. The Alchemist
11. Life of Pi
12. The Glass Castle

Next on my list (have not read these yet):

The Blindside
The Help
The Uglies/Pretties etc. (series)
Hunger Games
The Lovely Bones
Three Cups of Tea
The Book Thief

Abbey said...

The two most popular books from my book group:

1. These is my words

2. The Book Thief

Both awesome and completely different from each other. Good Luck. LEt me know if you find some awesome reads!