Friday, October 24, 2008

Proposition 8

So this week we went to the call center for Yes on Prop. 8. I'd have to say that my last call of the night was definitely blog worthy. It went something like this:

KT: Have you heard of prop. 8?
Man: Oh there are so many will you brief me?
KT: This is the one that defines marriage between a man and a woman.
Man: Ok...
KT: So do you know how you'll be voting?
Man: I will vote NO.
KT: Oh? Does your spouse feel the same way?
Man: Yes HE does!

HAHA! What are the chances, right? It made our experience fun. Being a CA resident once again has been great, especially to participate in the YES on 8 campaign. I can see this battle of prop. 8 as a sign of the times and hope that Californians vote the same as they did a few years back...YES ON 8!

1 comment:

Heather and Spencer said...

You should read my blog about prop 8 and let me know if you think it is as "abusive" as facebook does...

Glad you have a blog now!