Thursday, July 30, 2009

Please--Tell me you've researched it

So I finally hunkered down and read about the new Obamacare plan. Why did I wait so long you ask? Because I knew it would just get my blood boiling and make me again google "places to live where socialism doesn't exist."

I'm so scared to raise children here. Does anyone else care that our country has NEVER been in so much debt? In fact, if you added up ALL THE DEBT that all the other presidents have accumulated, it STILL wouldn't equal that of our oh so great dictator. And who's gonna pay for it? Not us--but our children and grandchildren. SAD! Anyone hear of "planning for the future?" I thought we worked hard so that our children were better off? Isn't that what makes us America? I guess this is the "eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we die" presidency.

So I've actually never been seriously political and have found myself either too bored or unknowledgable about issues to be adamant about certain legislation. And then--this election started, I took an intense economics class, and now everyday after watching the news I just sigh and say, "signs of the times."

This is an article from Fortune Magazine about the health care plan:

Ignorance sure is bliss and I understand why lots of people would rather just ignore the issues going on in our country (heck--isn't that how our president got elected anyway?) and won't click the link above. But in case you wanna know what this 2,000 page Obamacare legislation entails (because it's actually really going to affect you), take a peek!

Sigh--that felt good. Nothing like a venting session at 8:30 in the morning. ;0)


lesley said...

I ditto your post. In fact, my husband and I try to avoid watching or listening to any politcal talk shows these days because it gets us so riled up. Trevor thinks we're on a sinking ship...what a dream.

Jonathan Barker said...

The plan - and Obama - are a joke. I won't even begin to talk about it here, but what he's doing is like trying to fulfill the dream of a teenage beauty queen contestant (save the hungry) using the logic of a five year old... it's just not going to happen.